Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hurricane Ike

The hurricane didn't do much damage to my house, we were only outta power for fourty hours. My Uncle that is on oxygen and my aunt were out of power untill friday, a neighbor loaned them a generator, if he hadn't had it I probably would be at a funeral tomarro. So because I am a good cook, my aunt had me bake their neighbor a cake, as a thank you. I made bread as soon as the power went back on and took some to my aunt and uncle. I finished my homework, and just hung out, my boyfriend came over a couple times, and I made calzones and a chocolate molten cake, which is basically an individual chocolate cake in a custard cup with a pudding type middle. I cleaned up the garden after the hurricane came through and it looks really good, I still have to fix it up, because the winds made it raggity, but hopefully I will get it looking nice before Halloween.

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